Review of Urusei Yatsura Ovas Complete (Box Set)

7 / 10


Like many before me I`d vaguely heard of Uresei Yatsura, but thought they were an enigmatically named Glaswegian band (now defunct) - which indeed they are. What I didn`t know was that they had taken their name from one of Japan`s most loved animated TV shows, which has knocked up some 200 episodes since its original airing in 1981.

In fact, the show has proved so popular and habit-forming that the demand for more seems almost insatiable, and several feature films have been produced as well as a number of `straight to video` OVA`s, such as the 11 collected in this pack.

I had very few pre-conceptions then when I fired up the first disc which I watched with my `almost a teen` daughter. The scene was pretty firmly set with the title song which, though sung in Japanese, translated as: "Let`s put weird and weird together and make it even weirder! Weird, weird, space is super weird!". What followed was a journey into an entrancing alternative reality where everything seemed almost like real life, only a bit different. A world where anything was possible, and the only constraints were those imposed by limited imagination. This was the craziest, wickedest and most surreal cartoon show I had ever seen. But damned funny too, and despite trying to keep up with the rapid-fire dialogue by reading the yellow sub-titles, both daughter and father found much to be enjoyed.

The real magic here is in the characterisation and the characters relationships with each other. It`s a kind of a space aged `Friends` on acid - if that makes sense. Every episode collected here seems like a cross between a soap and `Alice in Wonderland`, moving in moments from suburbia to sub-space or to an alternative time-line without ever pausing for breath.

The real star of the show is the tiger-skin bikini clad `Lum`, an alien princess who is obsessed with Ataru, her hapless male co-star who constantly has a roving eye on every other female in the programme which precipitates Lum`s jealousy. Her familiar cry of `Daahling!` as she flies around after him is really infectious. She`s actually the daughter of a mighty space warlord, who is the leader of a race called the `Oni`. In Japanese mythology, the `Oni` were evil demons often depicted with horns and tiger-skin clothing. Well, that explains the bikini!
Apart from her obvious ability to fly she can inflict fire-bolts of electric energy on others, and she`s constantly zapping Ataru to bring him back into line.

Apart from the lecherous Ataru, other key regulars include `the girl next door` of the piece, Shinobu who was once Ataru`s girlfriend, until Lum muscled in on the scene. She, on the other hand, has a soft spot for multi-millionaire and heart throb, Mendou, who is the anti-thesis of Ataru. He`s handsome, suave, sophisticated, caring and rich. And Ataru hates him!

Also adding fun to proceedings is the miniature ball of trouble, `Ten` who is Lum`s bratty little cousin, who clearly dislikes Ataru.

The OVA`s here see the gang in all sorts of surreal and fun adventures that include flying into sub-space with a boy who appears to be half-rabbit and then chasing around a sea of meteor `doors` that lead to different versions of their own futures. Or a visit to Neptune where the locals have sherbert ice-cream cones for noses which the gang decide to market back home on earth - much to the annoyance of the Neptunians.

OVA`s included here are as follows: Inaba The Dreammaker, Raging Sherbet, I Howl At The Moon, Catch The Heart, Goat And Cheese, Date With A Spirit, Terror Of Girly Measles, Nagisa`s Fiance, The Electric Household Guard, Ryoko`s September Tea Party and Memorial Album.


It`s difficult to determine when these episodes were produced but I`d hazard a guess that they`re at least a decade old. There`s something very `video`-like about the image, which is occasionally washed out, low in contrast and a bit soft around the edges. The sub-titles are an unpleasant yellow in a very pixelated `video generated` font - and there`s no way to lose them either. Having said that, if this sort of cartoon is your bag then you`re probably used to this sort of quality by now. Acceptable - but not great.


Again, there`s nothing stand-out about the audio. Like many Japanese TV shows, there is a tendency to err on the toppy side of things, so little bass to excite the sub-woofers here. It`s a frenetic noisy soundtrack entirely in keeping with the frenetic madcap antics on screen. Very Japanese!


There are no extra features on the three DVD`s here, though the set does contain a CD-Rom. This contains a very unimpressive web-based resume about the anime and its leading characters. Mainly text-based, this amounts to nothing more than being able to see a website without being on-line. The file size totals less than 5MB, so the bulk of the capacity of the disc remains empty, so all in all, not much to get excited about.


Rumiko Takahashi`s `Urusei Yatsura` remains one of Japan`s best loved mangas, comprising some 34 volumes which is an extraordinary body of work by anyone`s standards. The animated version first hit the TV screens of Japan in 1981 and quickly became one of the most popular sci-fi comedy cartoons of all time. It`s purportedly influenced by madcap live action comedy `Bewitched` and it`s fair to say that some of the zaniness of that series is clearly reflected in this. But it`s also true that there is much that is unique about UY, and it`s easy to see how its popularity has grown with every subsequent edition. The characters are really well-developed and their relationships with each other are consistently amusing. It`s like a demented, surreal `Happy Days` or `Friends`.

This compilation of all 11 OVA`s is a great introduction to the series, and despite being presented in original Japanese with subtitles, is both funny and extremely addictive. By the end of Disc 3 you`ll be rattling the box with frustration to see where the next episode is.

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