Review of Making Mr Right

3 / 10


Dr Jeff Peters has developed the perfect android, Ulysses, for a proposed deep space mission. He now reluctantly requires the services of PR executive Frankie Stone to make the android a personality to be sold to the public. Without her PR skills the project is unlikely to receive further funding.

Frankie has a complicated and disappointing love life; her latest boyfriend, Steve Marcus, running for the Senate, is a little light on fidelity. Unwittingly she shares her human emotions with Ulysses and he quickly takes them on. Soon he wants to join in with other human activities with somewhat disastrous consequences.


Another 1980`s film, it has nothing remarkable to offer other than an appalling shade of lipstick worn by Frankie that appears to bleed into the screen. There is little dirt and grain which suggests this film did not see the light of day for long.


A completely forgettable soundtrack and the script that does not live up to its potential remind one that silent movies have a lot to offer.

There have been several android films over the years some of which purport to be comedies but this one left its intelligence at the door and its promising ideas boil down to the one joke-hey he`s an android with an eye for the ladies…




I suppose I`m a little bit fussy when it comes to comedy; I expect to make me laugh a lot and not cringe with embarrassment at unsuitable material. As a comedy this film fails to get going. The characters are underdeveloped their motivation at the whim of a scriptwriter who must have left town fast or I hope so.

John Malkovich is very watchable; he has that kind of face, in a fairly early role for him but in the league of comedy sci-fi it is a very slight film and would have been great for it to have been a better comedy. It appears to be budgetless and the support for Malkovich is very thin so it was lucky he was hired to play two parts himself.

I would not recommend this at all. This is yet another budget release and even £5.99 is a bit steep for this; there is better sci-fi, better John Malkovich and better 80`s films.

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