Review of Pocketful Of Miracles

4 / 10


Annie Apple is a lush who sells apples on the streets of New York After a happy circumstance leads Dave the Dude to believe her apples are lucky he tries to make sure he always has one of Annie`s apples before a deal. So when it is Annie that needs some help she turns to Dave. Annie has been supporting her daughter, Louise, in a Spanish convent school for many years When Louise decides she must bring her aristocratic finance to meet her `aristocratic` mother it is time for a makeover of enormous proportion. It is also time for Annie to get a `husband`. But how will she achieve respectability before her daughter arrives with her Count?


A reasonable copy of the film must have been used to make the original transfer as it has survived quite well with not too much print damage.


The song on the opening credits is indeed the Sammy Kahn song `Pocketful of Miracles` which people of certain age will be able to hum. There is the occasional use of certain classical pieces which I could name for you but I won`t


Alas no extras and on my disc not even the ability to select chapter for viewing. Not much use when like me you`re viewing gets disturbed frequently. Grr Aaagh.


Bette Davis made a few movies that were superb, so did Frank Capra. This isn`t the best for either of them but again it is Saturday matinee easy viewing, with an ending so predictable you could never take money on it.

`Pocketful of Miracle` is a curious film; made in 1961 it must have seemed anachronistic then. Other popular films of that year include... The makeover harks back to another gargantuan makeover in `Now Voyager.`
As ever the shortfall of the film is made up for by the professionalism of the cast that includes Glenn Ford, Peter Falk and Edward Everett Horton. It is mildly funny, passes a pleasant hour or two and won`t offend your Granny.

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