Review of Comfort of Strangers, The

4 / 10


Colin (Rupert Everett) and Mary (Natasha Richardson) are a rather stereotyped English couple returning to Venice for another holiday. Whilst wandering the streets at night they become lost and bump into a local named Robert (Christopher Walken). He befriends them and takes them for a drink in a bar. After that he seems to be everywhere they go.....

Also featuring Helen Mirren, this film was directed by Paul Schrader, and adapted by Harold Pinter from a novel by Ian McEwan. That would seem to make for a melting pot filled with interesting ideas!


A 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer is on offer, and it`s mostly free from dirt, dust and blemishes. This is yet another MGM back catalogue title on DVD, which simply translates as another transfer which hovers around the "above average for its age" mark.

Visually this film feels very scene-bound, with just a few Venetian locations popping up. This really seemed to cramp its style for me, even though it does set a certain menacing mood.


A DD2.0 stereo soundtrack, which isn`t exactly thrilling. Dialogue is clean and crisp and everything can be heard just fine. The soundtrack is from Angelo Badalamenti and fits well with the Venetian setting of the film.


Just a dull trailer.


This film could have been so much more. There was potential for a great crime story, or a "chase the kidnapper around Venice" story. Basically any story other than the one that we were presented with. The feeble plot drags on, the characters do stupid things, and then you get to the ending and scream and shout because it`s awful.

Christopher Walken is once more playing the Christopher Walken you know from Pulp Fiction and True Romance (and a few more besides). I quite enjoyed Natasha Richardson`s performance, even though her character was annoying at times.

At the end of the day, this film is much, much less than the sum of its parts. Sounded like a nice idea, but didn`t work out that way. The DVD is a standard MGM catalogue title with good picture, reasonable sound and nothing of note in the extras department.

Recommended for insomniacs only.

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