Review of Most Wanted Classic Kids TV

4 / 10


"Most Wanted Classic Kids TV" features four helpings of cartoons - Danger Mouse, Victor and Hugo, Alias the Jester and Avenger Penguins.


The video is presented in 4:3 full-frame and is of average quality - the focus is quite soft, especially on still frames, with grain noticeable on panning shots. This appears to be due to some sort of filtering of the image to clean it up for DVD presentation.

As far as the visuals go, well, this is a disc full of cartoons, so don`t exepct anything special. Danger Mouse is an all-time classic, which is well made, the other three I don`t remember watching before (and is more grainy than Danger Mouse). The Avenger Penguins is a colourful cartoon and has the cleanest image of the four. Finally Alias the Jester has the same soft-focus as Danger Mouse.


The soundtrack is presented in Dolby Digital 2.0, and as you might expect with cartoons made for children`s television, the sound is pretty flat with little in the way of excitement. The dialogue and effects are all clear though.


There are no extras on the disc, just the four cartoons which are accessible from a static menu.


Overall, whilst Danger Mouse is fondly remembered, the other three cartoons are not, and a very short episode of DM is not worth £9.99 alone. If I was picking a compilation of my favourite cartoons, none of these would be on the disc, and none of them will be particularly appealing to thirtysomething children wanting to reminisce.

The video is average and sound dull - the lack of extras is largely irrelevant on this disc and even at a bargain basement price, it is hard to recommend.

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