Review of Godthumb, The

5 / 10


My only previous experience of Steve Oedekerk`s "Thumb" series is the rather amusing "Thumb Wars" p***-take of "Star Wars", which was much more entertaining that I imagined it might be.

"The Godthumb" is, unsurprisingly, Steve Oedekerk`s interpretation of the classic "The Godfather", widely acclaimed as one of the best films ever made. Rather than draw out proceedings, Coppola`s multi-hour epic trilogy is compressed into 31 minutes of digit action.


The video is presented in 1.33:1 full-frame and is of above average quality, with little grain, no dirt and nothing of note to worry about.

If you`ve seen "Thumb Wars", you`ll know what to expect visually, with miniature sets populated by thumb actors/actresses suitably made up with a splattering of CGI to help out where thumbs just don`t cut the mustard - facial expressions etc.


The soundtrack is presented in Dolby Digital 2.0 in a choice of English, French, German and Spanish, none of which are earth shattering, but the dialogue is clear and understandable, delivering the laughs in a crisp and clear fashion.


Extras include outtakes, storyboards, interviews with the cast (!), some personal thoughts from the cast and a wealth of trailers for this and other "Thumb" movies including "Thumb Wars", "The Blair Thumb", "Thumbtanic" and "Bat Thumb".

All of the extras are easily accessible from the clear animated menus (which on my test disc featured some extra text which shouldn`t be present on retail editions).


I enjoyed "Thumb Wars" but sadly "The Godthumb" isn`t anywhere near as entertaining, perhaps the subject matter just doesn`t have the scope for a comedy parody - or perhaps when you`ve seen one, the novelty wears off.

Obviously the film is in a very similar, and is well made considering the restrictions of the actors/actresses and manages to cram plenty into the short running time. The video and sound are both good and there is a reasonable amount of extras, although these are very much of the filler variety and don`t really add much to the disc.

Overall, I`d suggest renting this out, as the replay value will be pretty limited, unlike "Thumb Wars" which is easy to watch over again.

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