Twilight Zone, The: Vol 4 (UK)

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Cross over into the Twilight Zone - on DVD!
Certificate: PG
Running Time: 100 mins
Retail Price: £15.99
Release Date:

"Mr Dingle, the Strong"
Episode 55 - March 3, 1961
A timid salesman (Burgess Meredith) is given super strength by a Martian experimenter. He eventually returns to normal - briefly. For the experiments have just begun!

Episode 66 - September 15, 1961
Two lone survivors (Elizabeth Montgomery, Charles Bronson) of a nulcear holocaust must start the world anew - a difficult prospect since they are from opposing sides in the war!

"A Passage for Trumpet"
Episode 32 - May 20, 1960
After committing suicide an unsuccessful trumpet player (Jack Klugman) is given a second chance at life. But first he must learn what it means to be dead in a world full of life.

"The Four of Us are Dying"
Episode 13 - January 1, 1960
Gifted with the ability to change his face, Arch Hammer devised a plan to elevate himself. The plan works perfectly until he`s caught with the wrong face at the wrong time!

Special Features:
Interactive Menus
Scene Access
`Inside the Twilight Zone`
Digitally remastered

Video Tracks:
Standard 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Mono English

Rod Serling

Soundtrack By:
Franz Waxman
Van Cleave
Leith Stevens
Fred Steiner
Leonard Rosenman
Lucien Moraweck
Bernard Herrmann
Jerry Goldsmith
René Garriguenc
Marius Constant

Director of Photography:
Harry J. Wild
Harkness Smith
Robert Pittack
Joseph LaShelle
George T. Clemens

Bill Mosher
Jason H. Bernie
Leon Barsha

Del Reisman
Buck Houghton
Herbert Hirschman
Bert Granet
William Froug

Executive Producer:
Rod Serling


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