Dragon's Lair: 20th Anniversary Box Set (Region Free)

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Includes previously unreleased playable scenes and exciting extras
Certificate: none
Running Time: 0 mins
Retail Price: $59.95
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All three complete, fully interactive Don Bluth games in one box set.

Includes both the original Dragon`s Lair plus previously unreleased playable scenes right from the cutting room floor.

Increased video quality, optional hint or expert mode and authentic scene order.

Special Features:
Press clippings galleries
Merchandise galleries

Video Tracks:
Standard 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Stereo 2.0 English

Digital Leisure Inc.

Your Opinions and Comments

8 / 10
This was a great Christmas present my brother gave to me for Crimbo 2002 - one of my favourite arcade games many, many years ago when I used to frequent such establishments!

The intro sequences are just as colourful and lead you into the adventure - basically it`s identical (although just a tad slower) to the full arcade version - sadly only missing the stubbed out cigarette end on the screen, and the dodgy looking woman in the change booth next door reading her Mills and Boon.

It`s hard though! Maybe just because I got used ripping the arcade`s joystick to the left or right whilst navigating a floating barrel in underground ravines, using the DVD`s remote control isn`t quite the same (and using expletives at the screen doesn`t go down well with Grandad who was soundly asleep in the chair) but then to be fair I`ve only really quickly ventured into it - knowing when to move is very difficult - there is a feature on the DVD that gives you hints when to choose the action that you want to submit.

It`s a great "game" though - nothing`s lost from the original, and one helluva present to give someone who was bought up on 6foot ChaseHQ, Star Wars and 1942 arcade machines!
posted by NetMaster on 2/1/2003 16:35