Review of Extreme Noise Terror: From One Extreme To Another

2 / 10


Prior to Extreme Noise Terror`s "From One Extreme To Another" popping through my letterbox last week, I must admit that despite having a wide taste in music, and a large and varied music collection, I had not come across the band before. However, the group`s name gave me a clue about what to expect.

This show was recorded at the Fulham Greyhound, London in 1989 and apparently we get to "for the first time…hear the concert as it was meant to be - in CD quality".


This is a Region 0 disc that comes with NTSC video, so beware those of you without a multi-standard television. However, should you have to watch in black and white, it won`t spoil your "enjoyment" of the show, because the picture is camcorder quality with plenty of grain and not much detail.


The soundtrack comes in Dolby Digital 2.0, and "for the first time…hear the concert as it was meant to be - in CD quality", which is rather funny, because the best hi-fi in the world could not make this sound like anything other than total and utter rubbish, hardcore metal with screaming, the word lyrics is not appropriate. The songs are SO BAD, that I was actually laughing at the though that anyone would actually enjoy them.


The extras consist of an interview, described on the cover as "truly awful", and I would have to agree, it is beyond abysmal, and not entertaining in the slightest.


Overall, when I recently reviewed Mudvayne, I didn`t think it was possible to come across a band who were worse, I was wrong. Extreme Noise Terror have set a new standard, which will be difficult for any other group to fall to.

If you are one of the presumably very few fans of the group, good luck, buy the DVD, enjoy it (despite the poor video quality and average sound), and I advise that you go and listen to something that is actually classed as music, because this certainly is not.

Otherwise, avoid at all costs, this is dreadful.

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