Review of Plank, The / It`s Your Move

6 / 10


Eric Sykes is one of the UK`s best loved comic performers and a master of subtle comedic timing. Better know for the Sykes series on TV this is an outing into "made for TV" film. These sort of movies were screened the my local picture house when my husband was a child. They`d have a disco and then show a couple of movies while staff would throw bags of Butterkist popcorn into the audience.
Done in semi-silent movie style with only a few inaudible mumbles to convey emotional responses, both movies are slow and give very few laughs. To me these are poor Laurel & Hardy imitators who add nothing new to worn and tired old jokes. both The Plank and It`s your move owe nods to the classic piano moving scenes and saw mill routines beautifully crafted by Stan and Ollie.


Presented in 1.33:1 ratio, this is clean and bright. Colours are a little week, but there`s no digital artefacting. Blacks and whites add good depth and only a small amount of haloing can be seen on brilliant whites.


Dolby Digital mono with little flair. The track is a little harsh at higher volumes but there`s not much to listen to on this almost silent movie.


Nothing at all!


The avid Sykes collector will cherish this pristine transfer but it`s a shame it offers no background info on the main star.

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