Review of Sweetest Thing, The (Uncut Version)

7 / 10


Despite undeniable talent, Cameron Diaz is invariably cast in "blonde bimbo" roles that rely more on her good looks and great figure than on her acting abilities.

The Sweetest Thing sees her team up with the biggest blonde bimbo of them all, Christina Applegate, who, despite sporting brunette hair in this movie, will forever be Kelly from Married with Children - bleached blonde hair, short shirts, tight tops and a very, er, blonde outlook on life.


The video comes in 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen, and is of above average quality, with little or no grain, no visual blemishes and plenty of colour. The image is also stable and has plenty of contrast.

The visuals are equally run of the mill, predictably, every opportunity is taken to show off Diaz and Applegate in various states of undress (but unfortunately never undressed…) and from every angle.


The soundtrack is presented in Dolby Digital 5.1, and is distinctly average, with limited use of the rear channels, The main focus of the sound is on the dialogue speaker, which at times makes the soundtrack sound a little flat.

Despite these shortcomings, the soundtrack is reasonably well reproduced, with effects and dialogue both very clear.

One sonic highlight is the toe-curling penis song, which is definitely not something to watch when your gran is in the room!


The extras include a director and cast commentary; behind the scenes footage; a featurette; storyboard comparisons; unseen footage and trailers.

A reasonable selection; although whether you would actually want to sit through it all is highly questionable.

The disc is packaged in a black Amaray case.


The Sweetest Thing offers an appealing cast, wrapped up in a predictable story which offers nothing new in an already crowded genre.

There are a couple of very amusing moments, but the movie is too mediocre overall to make this disc worth buying. Region 2 owners should wait until it comes out to rent rather than buying the Region 1 disc.

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