Review of Stargate SG1: Volume 21

7 / 10


This disc contains episodes 5-8 of the shows 5th season :-

Red Sky - Oops, by overriding the Stargate`s safety protocols it looks like SG-1 have accidentally caused a solar reaction which will spell the death of a planet inhabited by a highly religious people. They see it as a sign from the gods and refuse to let SG-1 help them.

The Rite Of Passage - Puberty`s hard enough without having to deal with the legacy of Goa`uld Nirrti genetic experiments. Cassandra, Dr Fraiser`s adopted daughter, is going through life threatening changes but can SG-1 help before it`s too late?

Beast Of Burden - SG-1 find a pre-industrial civilisation that uses Unas as slaves. When Daniel finds out that his Unas friend Chaka is being held and tortured SG-1 risk their own freedom trying to help.

The Tomb - Those Russians have been at it again. On another undisclosed trip through the Stargate a group of Russian soldiers have gone missing. SG-1 are sent on a rescue mission with Russian counterparts and get trapped in Goa`uld tomb, but they are not alone.


As with the previous disc from season 5 the anamorphic 16:9 transfer is outstanding. Everything about the picture oozes quality from the razor sharp detail to the natural lighting and colours. The effects shots look suitably dazzling as well.

This disc makes you realise just how poor TV broadcasts are, this DVD is like watching a different show. If only all TV series were this good on DVD.


The Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack is of high quality but falls just a bit short of the excellence of the picture quality. The soundstage is very front heavy with the rear channels being largely overlooked. This isn`t to say it`s at all bad, the front channels are used to good effect and the sound is clear and sharp, it`s just that I was looking for a more immersive experience.


As with the previous disc from season 5 not only do you get a short behind the scenes video diary and some trailers for the next disc but you also get 4, yes 4!, audio commentaries. Each episode features a commentary with the Director and various members of the production staff.

Extremely impressive for a TV series and one that will keep the fans happy for hours on end.


Stargate SG1 definitely grows on you. As you become more familiar with the characters involved you start to enjoy the episodes even more. With that in mind there is some value to repeated viewing and I found myself enjoying the episodes on this disc allot more than when I first saw them on TV.

That said if you`re not that big on Stargate SG-1 you`ll probably be pretty unimpressed with most of these episodes. Even fans would admit that season 5 lacked any real drive and it shows in these episodes.

Red Sky is formulaic and pretty much a waste of time whilst Rites of Passage and Beasts of Burden are ultimately forgettable. The Tomb is by far the best episode on the disc. Criticism of the episodes aside the characters are still enjoyable to watch, there is no doubt that they make the show. It`s just a shame they aren`t given the material to work with as when given decent storylines this show can be superb.

This is yet another excellent quality DVD release and another real treat for fans of the series. Other franchises would do well to take note of the quality and content of Stargate`s season 5 releases so far.

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