Stories From Chigley (UK)

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8 glorious episodes
Certificate: U
Running Time: 111 mins
Retail Price: £9.99
Release Date:

In the county of Trumptonshire, not far away from Camberwick Green, is the tiny country hamlet of Chigley. This DVD features eight episodes from the fondly remembered children`s series first broadcast in 1969.
In the episodes we meet such characters as Harry Farthing at Chigley Pottery busy at his potter`s wheel, Mr Cresswell showing Farmer Bell around the biscuit factory, Lord Belborough at Winkstead Hall preparing to take Dr Mopp for a ride on his beloved steam engine Bessie, the Mayor who saves the day with a splendid idea, Mr Swallow from Treddles Wharf who is having trouble with a crane, the villagers surprising Lord Belborough with a lovely present, Windy Miller who comes up with an idea to save Winstead Hall`s apples, and Mr Dagenham whose helicopter comes in very useful when Chigley river floods...

Special Features:

Video Tracks:
Standard 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Mono English

Brian Cant


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