Review of Kiss The Girls

8 / 10


Morgan Freeman is a dream to watch in anything. His voice is haunting and adds real depth to the characters he plays. Which is good in the case of Kiss the Girls as this is an above average serial killer chiller that moves a notch up the ladder just due the Freemster`s presence.


Presented in anamorphic widescreen (2.35:1 ratio) this is another decent looking back catalogue title. Some slight grain throughout but nothing to distract and not a hint of macro blocking. This isn`t a title that needs the special edition, THX, whistles and bells treatment.


The full 5.1 soundtrack is very strident but not harsh. Surrounds are used to good effect for ambient scenes and can really catch you out on the token "made you jump" sections.


Now this is just terrible. How far has DVD come? We`re even getting multiple disc sets over this side of the pond now and the best Paramount can offer us on Kiss the Girls is a theatrical trailer.
Shame on you Paramount, must try harder!


An enjoyable 111 minutes of pure escapism. Seven, this isn`t, but Morgan Freeman gives a good strong performance that lifts it beyond its formulaic serial killer grounding. The disc contents on the other hand don`t leave much to be desired. DVD pricing in the UK is over inflated and I personally believe that DVD pricing should reflect the content of the disc and in this case Kiss the Girls should cost no more than the video version.

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