Review of Deep Blue Sea

10 / 10


This is the sort of movie that is best seen knowing nothing about what actually happens. With this in mind I am hoping to get through this review without ruining any part of the film for you . . . it will be very hard but I will try my best :).

Right from the opening studio logos you know that the quality of this disc is going to be impressive. Presented in Anamorphic widescreen 2.35:1 this disc impresses greatly. The opening scene shimmers onto the screen with incredible clarity and this standard is maintained throughout the movie.

With regards to the actual in-movie visuals again I was impressed. The research centre Aquatica is a very convincing environment. The premise is that it was a World War II sub base (if memory serves) and as such everything has that “not quite new” look to it, or in other words that “not quite safe” look :). Allot has been said about the shark effects in the press, some reporting that the computer generated effects looked too false and that the movement was unnatural. Well the inability of some people to simply sit back and enjoy a movie astounds me at times to be honest. Yes the sharks are computer generated but I was far too engrossed in the movie to really be concerned with whether they looked as natural as they should do. The very fact that at no point did I stop and think “that looked a bit false” must be testament to the great shark effects. If they were that cheesy I would surely have not been able to stay so engrossed in the movie. Also the comments from some about the unnatural movement of the sharks are missing the point in my opinion. They are supposed to be moving unnaturally, these are not your standard, everyday sharks in this movie so to see them moving in an unusual fashion shouldn’t come as any surprise.

Anyway, a simply stunning transfer along with very well done effects that really do help to create a terrifying experience.


As with the visuals the soundtrack is also stunning. The Dolby Digital 5.1 sound stage is put to extremely good use here. There are some very good audio moments that, when combined with the visuals, really do terrify. Being a movie set largely underwater there are plenty of totally immersive “bubble” sounds but the whoosh as a shark glides past is impressively handled and adds even more to the fierceness of the creatures. There are some standout scenes to which the audios really provide the finishing touches to create a breathtaking package.

We also have a suitably atmospheric soundtrack from Trevor Rabin (Armageddon, Enemy of the State, Con Air) that I must hunt down on CD next time I am at the shops :).


Along with a great quality DVD we also get a shed load of extras. Among the extras you get Star/Director Commentary, Behind the Scenes footage, Storyboards & Stills, Documentaries, Theatrical Trailer, Deleted Scenes, Stills Gallery, DVD-Rom Features for PC, and more. This is how every DVD should be. Be warned though, do NOT watch any of the extras before you see the movie as they give away a lot of secrets about the movie. These extras really do add more to the whole experience and give you a much greater appreciation of the movie.


The story is about a group of scientists who are experimenting on Sharks by growing their brains to produce more proteins with which to try and find a cure for Alzhiemers disease. Of course the bigger their brains get the more intelligent they get as well. The inevitable happens and the sharks start running riot. That’s it really, not much more to it than that. Implausible? Shallow? Who the hell cares really, this movie is pure entertainment.

Obviously the stars of the movie are the sharks but a quick mention to the supporting cast, i.e. the people. I won’t go into details about who played which character (you can read the information page for that) but they all do a good job of being scared stiff :). Samuel L Jackson seems to be here simply for his star value as he is not really used to great effect. There is one real surprise here though, and that is LL Cool J. He handles a limited role very well and is sure to be appearing in many more features in future after this movie.

The whole film is set up to try and scare you witless and in the best tradition of Jaws it succeeds impressively. Renny Harlin (Die Hard 2, Cliffhanger) has directed this masterfully. Ever chance to build up the fear and anticipation of something happening is used to full effect, to the point that I was on the edge of my seat throughout the whole movie. The film moves along at a cracking pace and there is simply no let up whatsoever. Some of the action scenes simply leave you dumbstruck such is the surprise value and intensity. I simply cannot remember getting so involved in a movie ever. You know you are engrossed when you sit there saying “f***in’ hell” as a shark swims towards you. Gripping stuff indeed!

I could go on for ages about this movie but if I go on anymore I will be forced to talk about certain scenes and that would ruin it for you . . . so I shall stop here :).

In summary then we have a first class movie and a top quality DVD. The film is a roller coaster ride of terror and will grip you from the very start. My wife was screaming for large parts of it and if it keeps her entertained it must be good.

In short buy this now! One of my favourite pure entertainment movies of 1999!

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