Review of Sex And The City: Series 1 (Box Set)

7 / 10


I first caught Sex and The City on a Holiday in Florida, when it first aired on the HBO network. I instantly fell in love with the whole characters and concept, much as I had done with Friends. This felt like a show about women, made for women but one that your boyfriend or spouse could enjoy too.

Disc One Includes the Episodes:
Sex and The City, Models and Mortals, Bay of Married Pigs, Valley of The Twenty Something Guys, The Power of Female Sex and Secret Sex.

Disc Two Includes the Episodes:
Monogamy, Three`s a Crowd, The Turtle and The Hare, The Baby Shower, The Drought, and Oh Come All Ye Faithful.


Presented in Full Frame 4:3 NTSC format.
TV shows rarely take full advantage of the DVD vehicle. Friends was grainy and wishy washy and this disc is no exception. That said, it isn`t any worse than watching it on either HBO stateside or on Sky`s Digital Channel 4 service. The picture suffers from some grain and muted colours making the whole viewing experience very soft focus. Some scenes shine through more than others and the picture does seem to improve in some of the later episodes.


The sound is better than Friends with better fidelity and good separation of music and dialogue. The Music score is clean and bright but as with most Dolby Digital 2.0 surround tracks it lacks the bass punch which can really sometimes liven up the mix of TV shows and music only DVDs.


In the word`s of Paul Daniels "Not a lot!" You get a short featurette, trailers for each episode, research trailers, cast and crew information and awards and nominations information. Sounds like a lot but none of the supplements are either interesting or better still funny.


The DVD is great for the collector with all twelve of the first series episodes present. I could have lived without the extras and had all the episodes on one disc for the luxury of uninterrupted sex. It`s a fabulous show peppered with some awesome lines you wish you had the balls to use out there in the real world. It`s for the girls first and foremost but I bet there are quite a few fellas out there who sit next to there loved ones and giggle along to this show. Some critics described it as "too sexually active." On watching this series over again on DVD you realise just how tame and light it realy is.

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