Review of Danger Mouse: Volume 2

7 / 10


"He`s the greatest, he`s fantastic", that`s a catchphrase I have not heard for many a year.

I was intrigued both to see how one of my childhood favourite cartoons fares up 20 years on and how it looks on DVD.


The video is apparently remastered and I don`t doubt that. The video is however very grainy but is watchable.

For a 20 year old cartoon it has better quality encoding then some far more recent cartoon releases.
There where no artefacts due to compression that I could see.


Audio is clean and quite easy on the ears. I had almost forgotten David Jason`s excellent portrayal of our mousey hero. ;-)

Its Dolby stereo however the original track is mono, so it`s just repeated to both left and right.


Not a huge amount, you get one slightly off the wall short clip and some amusing cast backgrounds.


Overall this DVD offers little in the way of extras but serves up good sound and fair picture quality for the age.

I for one really enjoyed taking an hour out to relive these cartoons.

It is a budget release and can be picked up for under £10 in most stores. For that kind of money it`s a must have to relive some of those childhood moments.

Now where is my `Mysterious Cities of Gold` DVD then? :)

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