Review of Mask, The

8 / 10


This disc contains a good transfer, with nice contrast on both well lit and dark scenes. Colour saturation is very good, which considering the bright CGI effects is just as well. Its just a shame that we aren`t looking at an anamorphic print here, such a waste, but if you like your movies cut and cropped there is a pan`n`scan version on the reverse side. There are 31 nice chapter spots to help you find that favourite scene or joke, and the layer change isn`t too distracting.

The special effects are amazing, and actually very amusing. This is just as well, because half of what fills The Mask with comedy is Carrey, and the other half gets slapped on using the latest high tech computer technology. This is a modern live 3-dimensional cartoon, filled with excessive comedy violence, and very visually impressive it is too. I am left wondering though, if Cameron Diaz`s legs were CGI, I mean they can`t really be that great can they?


Sound is good, not amazingly good, just plain good. Rears are used occasionally, but since the sound effects are mainly cartoon related, don`t expect a life changing audio track. Music selection is very enjoyable, with some weird jazzy dance numbers in there.


A small but nice selection of features adorns this disc. The deleted scenes are a good lesson in what to cut and what not to, and the addition of the original opening would have definitely changed the mood of the remaining movie. You also get the almost now obligatory director`s commentary track, plus a trailer and some yawn-worthy biographies. Considering this disc dates back to 1997, its hard to complain when so many other DvDs released around this period had nothing at all.


This is a very funny movie, which should appeal to a large age group. Apart from the odd swear word, there is very little to offend younger children (say 8 or 9 and up) and my little cousins loved it as much as I did. But don`t go thinking this is not a grown up film, okay it may appeal to kids but the jokes and visual comedy should be amusing to everyone.

I really liked The Mask, in fact I think Carrey is as excellent in this as he was in Ace Ventura, although every other film from there on in you can count me out of the appropriate fan clubs. Cameron Diaz doesn`t exactly have a challenging roll, in fact she just has to look good for most of the film and this she really has down to a tee.

Fans of special effects will love it for that reason alone, they were groundbreaking in `94 and look every bit as good now. Before you go thinking I found them hilarious because I`m a cartoon freak, think again, Tom and Jerry sucks in my eyes but this is definitely funny!

Usually I prefer my comedy to be clever, although The Mask reaches this level on the odd occasion, it`s the frantic pace and speed of the gags which pulls it above the norm. Definitely get it if you like Carrey, or want something different comedy wise.

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