Columbo (UK)

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The TV series
Certificate: 12
Running Time: 237 mins
Retail Price: £12.99
Release Date:

Pilot: Prescription: Murder
Psychiatrist Roy Fleming and his wife are celebrating their anniversary when he is called to deal with a patient - Susan Hudson. On returning he has to soothe his angry wife with the promise of a trip to Acapulco. When Fleming`s wife is found dead, Columbo is brought in to investigate and seeds of doubt are planted in his mind which typically he will not ignore.

2: Fade In To Murder
Ward Fowler, a star with a reputation for being difficult and demanding, seems always to get what he wants. However, he has a dark secret - which if it ever came out would destroy his life. A producer of his hit TV show - Claire Daley - discovers his secret and is blackmailing Ward - until one day in Canada when Ward thinks he at last has the opportunity to close the deal - for good.

3: Double Shock
When their elderly, wealthy uncle, Clifford Paris, is about to marry a much younger woman, twin brothers Dexter and Norman believe that they are about to be written out of his will and lose out on the inheritance of their uncles considerable estate to his new wife. Although they have not spoken to each other in years, the two brothers unite to hatch a plan to kill their fitness enthusiast uncle and inherit his fortune.

Special Features:
Interactive Menus
Scene Access

Video Tracks:
Standard 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital Stereo 2.0 English

Directed By:
Bernard L. Kowalski

Bert Remsen
Alan Manson
Lola Albright
William Shatner
Peter Falk

Ronald LaVine

Universal Pictures

Your Opinions and Comments

7 / 10
I`m so thrilled to have some Columbo on DVD that I just don`t care what extras aren`t on the disc. C`mon, Universal, give us more! Oh, and perhaps it might be an interesting idea to release this in the US. I don`t know why I have to go to the UK to get US-created TV shows!
posted by Jory on 20/11/2002 11:10