Review of Saving Private Ryan: Limited Edition

10 / 10


Well, no sooner has my projector fan switched off two minutes ago, I am here writing this review. Some films you get more enthusiasm for writing a review, and this is one!

This film is truely awesome - and unusual in that it is a war film that does not in any way glamorise war. It is another typical moving Spielberg piece (compare Schindlers List) that shows the barbaric nature of combat.

Visually it is stunning. The transfer is 1.85:1 anamorphic widescreen, split over 20 chapters. For a film that is nearly three hours long, I would have liked to have seen a few more chapters supplied. The video quality is superb, and the special effects enforce the power of the film. Although quite gory in parts, this is totally necessary to bring home the meaning of the movie.

On a lighter note I was quite amused to hear that most of the battle scenes were in fact shot in Hatfield, just up the road from here! Apparantly they had to be careful that the nearby Tescos and Orange mobile phone masts didn`t get in shot!


The main comment has to be: this can be described as a reference disc for your Dolby Digital system.

This disc was expected to have a stunning soundtrack, and it sure has. The opening sequence (20 minutes long) is an audio masterpiece, and the rear channels provide lots of fizzing bullets and cracking ammo. Rain in later parts of the film comes across well from the rears.

I dont think my subwoofer has had such an outing for quite some time!! The relentless distant booms of gunfire would be totally lost without a sub, and we switched it off for a few seconds to check the difference. Amazing!


Extras wise, we get a poignant message from Spielberg (also shown at the end of the movie), a 20 minute Saving Private Ryan `Into the Breach` documentary, 2 trailers, production notes, and cast and crew biogs.

All nice stuff here, but I feel the documentary could have been at least an hour, and should have also concentrated a bit more on the `making of` type angle. It really homes in on war itself, and on Spielberg`s early home movies when a fifteen year old. Entertaining yes, but I wanted more!

This disc is also crying out for a commentary, and alas none are supplied. If this had been included it would have made Saving Private Ryan on DVD a faultless package.


This is a very powerful film, showing the grit and pain of front line battle. It is a film that should be seen by many people, whether they like war films or not, as it is an extremely emotional experience.

Spielberg has used certain camera techniques designed to reinforce the visual impact - one example being choosing not to use a steadicam on some of the fast combat scenes. Thus the screen judders around as we are running with the troops, and we are also thrown around in the combat scenes with the rest of the cast.

Video and sound quality are truly excellent, and anyone with all the kit should make this a `must purchase` disc.

The only gripe is that the extras could be more, a longer documentary and a commentary should have been provided. However it is an extremely powerful, moving film, and as such will do very well on DVD.

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