Review of Yellow Submarine

8 / 10


This 1968 classic has been digitally restored for this DVD release, and is presented in a rather unusual 4:3 ‘letterbox’ format – yes you do get very small black bars top and bottom. It is split into 36 chapters.

This is real late 60’s psychedelic in-yer-face gawdy colours animation with many of the popular Beatles tracks. Surreal is not the word, but is definitely the type of film you just want to vegetate in front of and let it all just wash over you.

The restoration has resulted in strong, vibrant colours (and there are a lot of them…) and a pin sharp picture. I did notice one or two odd specks and scratches, but these were very minimal. For a film over 30 years old, they have done a great job on the restoration.


This is the best anyone will ever have heard the Beatles!

Originally this film had a mono soundtrack, but now a full blown Dolby Digital 5.1 mix compliments the restored visuals. The sound quality truly is amazing, and breathes new life into all the old classics: ‘Eleanor Rigby’, ‘Nowhere Man’, ‘Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band’ and of course ‘Yellow Submarine’.

All the sound effects also have been carefully placed around the soundstage, and the rear channels are used to the full.

It seems that with older soundtracks that get restored, so much more attention is paid to the audio than modern films. This has been the case with all the restored DVDs I have reviewed for this site – Yellow Submarine, Fiddler on the Roof and Towering Inferno. Why can’t directors dot his with the recent movies? Some soundtracks leave a lot to be desired!


Well as you would expect on a classic movie like this, they have not skimped on the extras. You get a ‘The Mod Odyssey’ featurette, a music only track, a commentary, three storyboard sequences (two not used in the film), pencil drawings, photos, interviews and a collectable booklet. The whole package comes in a bright yellow Amaray case too.

Beatles fans will love all this stuff, and it will be interesting to see what they do with the other Beatles movies ‘Help’ and ‘A Hard Days Night’.


Once again a restoration of a classic old movie has proved what the DVD format can do. The best bit about this DVD is the restored audio track. The 5.1 sound is unbelievable, and adds so much to the viewing enjoyment to hear these classic tracks in Surround.

The extras too are worthwhile, and this disk is fast warranting a quick second viewing. I have only seen this film on the TV before, and many years ago too. This DVD will no doubt be a high seller, and deservedly so too.

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