Review for CM Punk: Best in the World

10 / 10

When Bret Hart said 'I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.' There was one person he didn't see coming. That man is best in the world today. That man is Mr Straight Edge, CM Punk.

This is possibly one of the best documentaries that WWE have produced in a long time. One of the reasons is that it covers his entire history and does not just gloss over the stuff that wasn't WWE. In fact one of the best parts of this DVD was actual footage from CM Punk's indy days and from Ring of Honor (It would not surprise me if they released a Best of CM Punk in ROH DVD too). Here we got to see just how good he's always been.

The documentary tells the story of CM Punk's life as an outsider, his problems with his family, becoming Straight Edge after seeing what alcohol was doing to his father. It shows how he got into wrestling, putting on shows himself, before he was even trained and this was followed up by his friendship and matches with Colt Cabana and then into Ring of Honor. Here we see how he developed even more with feuds against Samoa Joe which became legendary.

Finally he was called up to WWE and sent immediately to OVW for developmental. There does seem to be a little angst about the fact he had to do this having been a main eventer and champion in Ring of Honor, but this is something that everyone does and when you see some of the people who do just debut at the big time (Read: Most of the NXT competitors) you could probably count on one hand the ones who have made it as a household name.

Finally making it into the new WWE ECW and WWE, CM Punk has gone from strength to strength with multiple world title reigns and even more classic matches that add to his legacy. Of those matches 11 are included ranging from OVW to ECW all the way to his greatest matches in WWE. It is great to see his development over the 7 years he's been in the company, though I do wish WWE had negotiated with Ring of Honor to allow them to include one of the Samoa Joe matches, this would have made the set even more wonderful.

As it is, the matches are all good, but only a few could be classed as 'classics'. His 2008 Money in the Bank win is great, as is his TLC match against Jeff Hardy. The two matches which will obviously sell this is against John Cena at Money in the Bank 2011 (A Five Star classic) and his match against Daniel Bryan at Over the Limit 2012. Both of these matches are the icing on the cake when it comes to this already perfect set.

The extra scenes are pretty cool with an insight into his career including finally what the CM stands for. Also an interesting story about why he was not made ECW champion at possibly WWE's worst PPV of all time December to Dismember. These extra scenes are also great and it is odd that they don't just give you a 'Play All' option as they could easily be another additional documentary in itself.

CM Punk: Best in the World is a great documentary and if you ever needed proof as to why he calls himself that then this DVD will do just that. If you are a fan of him, (and who isn't?) then this is the set for you.

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