Review of Return of the Living Dead, The

3 / 10


Return of the Living dead is one of those horror films that viewers remember having seen years ago. You’ll probably recall the gang horsing around in the graveyard and the split dog for example. When I was a student, my flatmates and I watched every horror film in the local video shop – that was the first and only time I had seen this film until the DVD popped through my letterbox – and I remembered quite enjoying it. Whether this would still be the case twelve years later will become evident as you read this review!

In brief, two employees of a medical supplies warehouse manage to release toxic gas inside the building, which brings the dead back to life - including the stock in the warehouse. Whilst trying to dispose of the evidence, they manage to disperse the gas over the local town, awakening the dead in the local graveyard – who then go on a rampage...


Video comes in 1.33:1 full-frame, which is rather annoying, as the film was made in 1.66:1. However, had the print been pristine, it might have been possible for me to overlook the aspect ratio, but alas, as with many 80s horror films, the video looks like it has been dragged straight from the old master used to make VHS copies, with no restoration and therefore doesn’t look particularly good.

From the above, you’ll not be surprised to learn that the picture suffers from lack of resolution and detail with dirt and grain also evident. The picture is by no means the worst I’ve seen, and is watchable, but certainly cannot be considered to be good.


Sound comes in Dolby Digital 2.0 and like the video, shows not only its age, but also a total lack of remastering. There’s a great deal of hiss on the soundtrack, which at times is mono VHS quality. Consequently don’t expect too much in the way of atmospheric sound effects and channel steering…

Despite the poor sound quality, the dialogue is generally understandable, although it is arguable that the film would be better if you couldn’t hear a lot what the characters were saying!


The only extras are the trailer and some filmographies.


In the late 80s, when zombie-horror was more popular, Return of the Living Dead provided the requisite amount of gore, nudity and laughs. Viewed in 2001, it is drivel of the highest order, hampered by a poor script, atrocious acting and in this DVD release below par picture and sound quality.

Return of the Living Dead is considered by some to be a good example of a zombie movie but the film is not in the same league as any of George Romero’s work – which has aged better. In all honesty, I kept watching just to see some of the moments I remembered, not because I was enjoying it.

One for real enthusiasts only.

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