Review of Cherry Falls
First off, this is a straight to video slasher flick in much the same vein as the likes of Scream.
It bombed badly in the US and never made it to theatres anywhere else (this is a shame as it`s not great but a lot better then some of the genre trash of last year that made it into our Cinemas).
The film centres on a spate of youth killings in the quaint mid American town of Cherry Falls.
The film is presented in an Anamorphic 1.85:1 print and is less then perfect, viewing it close up revealed a fair bit of grain and there are some examples of dirt on the master but nothing that really distracts from the film in a major way.
Not a prime example of all that is good about DVD.
It`s also worth noting that the film was heavily cut by the MPAA and the UK version appears to be the same cut release.
Well, this really lets this disk down.
The case implies this disk contains a Dolby 5.1 soundtrack however EiV have mastered a Dolby Stereo soundtrack on to the disk and it`s a little underwhelming to say the least.
A large part of this film is about atmosphere and a good chunk of that atmosphere is lost by having this poor quality stereo track, for reference the US version does have a 5.1 track so it may be a better choice on the sound front.
Nothing really of great worth here. There are a few deleted scenes that are just as well cut and some quickly put together interviews.
The film does offer a few fresh ideas into the very stale genre. The casting is good and the acting is up to the quality of its peers (not that this says much).
It has some funny and tense moments and is worth a watch.
I doubt many people will find this film (and the really poor DVD) a keeper but if you fancy a slasher that delivers a good few jumps for an evening in then pop out and rent a copy.
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