Review of City of Angels: Special Edition

8 / 10


City Of Angels: Special Edition is divided into an above average 40 chapters for this two hour long movie. The video quality appeared to be a little overly dark in many parts to me, but clarity and colour depth were good none the less.

Whether this was intentional due to the movie content I cannot say, but I doubt the darker scenes will be to everyone`s taste.


The 5.1 mix is powerful and contains some memorable `surround` moments. One case being the scene when Seth (Cage) is in the library, and the camera focuses on readers in the library and we hear their thoughts. The whispers around the library readers make full use of the five speakers in the listening room, and you feel yourself looking over your right shoulder and then your left!


The menus are nicely animated with accompanying music. There are also many extras to this disc. There are several commentaries, two documentaries, some deleted scenes, five separate trailers and a music only track.

These days when a disc gets `Special Edition` status then it seems the extras are worth seeing - compare this with Young Frankenstein Special Edition. Oh for the day when all DVDs see this many extras. Admittedly they will not mask a weak film, but for fans of the movie, extras are valuable.


The film is moving and sad in parts. It is hard to categorise it - a romantic drama? I don`t know. But this DVD cannot be faulted in the features and extras it supplies. My only gripe is the picture can be a little dark in parts, but not overly so.

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