Animal Impact

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Certificate: E
Running Time: 104 Mins
Retail Price: £12.99
Release Date:
Content Type: Movie

Nature's eye-blinking moments go under the microscope to reveal the astonishing abilities that allow animals to survive a hostile world. Normally, they are too fast, too slow, or too hidden for us to see. With new camera technologies and cutting edge animation, we'll reveal how these hard to believe moments actually occur.

Jungle: Rising hundreds of feet from the dark depths of the tropical forest floor, the layers of twisting branch and canopy push the limits of animal engineering. We peel back these jungle layers to dissect amazing moments of impact. From ninja ants to rainforest raptors, cutting edge HD cameras dive underwater and fly through the trees and animation penetrates fur, feathers, skin and bone to reveal the surprising animal science hidden deep in the jungle.

Savannah: In grasslands around the world, Nature's eye-blinking moments go under the microscope to reveal the bio-mechanics operating inside the brawn, the astonishing abilities that allow animals to survive a hostile world. In moments of impact, incredible to behold, are caught, dissected and analyzed. Predator against prey, wing against air, venom through fangs, a roar erupting in a lion's throat - the split second when creatures come into contact with each other and the world around them. Within creatures great and small ... lion attacks wildebeest, rattlesnake stalk prey, termites defend their ten foot mound, eagle and jackrabbit outmanoeuvre each other and cheetah races gazelle. Elaborate animated impact sequences spin around animals caught in a frozen moment that is then examined in depth to understand the amazing abilities that give each animal the instinct, intelligence and brute prowess to survive.

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National Geographic

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