Review of More Ripping Yarns

6 / 10


Another selection of episodes from "Ripping Yarns", created by Terry Jones and Michael Palin, who were regular writing partners on Monty Python. The stories that they wrote were inspired by "adventure stories of the 1920s, all about plucky chaps doing their best."

Whilst this is true, there`s also plenty of their trademark Python lunacy mixed in - with "racing vultures" replacing "racing pigeons", and a girl who is imprisoned for putting too much butter on her scones.


As with the previous disc from the series, video quality is not brilliant and has again been transferred on to disc with no thoughts about cleaning up the episodes and sourcing the best quality masters.

Lots of film dirt and scratches throughout, with some shots looking very messy indeed, with washed out colours and contrast problems. Another example of how 1970s TV shows look when no attention is paid to their transfer onto DVD. As before, a considerable shame, given that this DVD is not priced competitively (an RRP of 19.99).


The original mono soundtrack is presented here, replayed over 2 channels. Everything sounds fine, and there are no problems with the soundtrack. There`s even some really good incidental music at certain points which adds something extra to what is a fairly simple TV show.


Nothing here at all, a barebones disc with 2 menu pages and nothing else.


Another mixed bag here. The video quality isn`t great, and the sound is just about ok. Three episodes are included here, "The Testing of Eric Olthwaite", "Whinfrey`s Last Case" and "The Curse of the Claw".

"The Testing of Eric Olthwaite" features Palin playing a complete dullard (he always plays boring characters with some style). Eric Olthwaite is so dull that his parents run away and leave him. After being told he is too tedious to be a banker he gets mixed up in a robbery and suddenly becomes a criminal. A very funny and very silly script make this one of the best "Yarns".

"Whinfrey`s Last Case" features Palin as national hero Gerald Whinfrey, who decides to go on holiday to Cornwall as he`s had enough of saving the world. With some "Famous Five" style locations and a country cottage that has more housekeeping staff than your average hotel, Gerald`s holiday doesn`t go as planned. Another amusing "Yarn".

"The Curse of the Claw" features an expedition leader and his team, who get lost on their first day of a long trek to faraway lands, and find themselves in Maidenhead. But is it all just fate, and will they find the naughty books? The weakest episode on the disc.

It`s difficult to recommend this disc to anyone other than hardcore Python fans. "The Testing of Eric Olthwaite" and "Whinfrey`s Last Case" are two great episodes, with Palin playing some of his trademark characters. "The Curse of the Claw" is quite good but not up to the high standards of the first two episodes on the disc. As before, with a 19.99 price tag for 90 minutes of un-restored 1970s TV show with no extras, it`s difficult to justify buying this unless you are a big fan.

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