Review of Quiet Man, The

5 / 10


A romantic and enduring epic says the blurb on the DVDs back cover. Blah! it`s got John Wayne in it for gods sake! Ok, before I make enemies I must confess I hate John Wayne, both as an actor and as a man. His acting at best was below...sorry way below Keanu Reeves standard. This is a man who made a piece of 2 by4 look animated. Put most of his movies in a big pile and you`ve basically got more wood than the average bonfire, and setting light to it wouldn`t be a crime in my eyes And his political views...That`s my rant over!

The film itself is well shot and well edited. No I`ll take that back, it`s well shot but could be about half-an-hour shorter. It`s just dull, beyond all belief!


It may be dull but this transfer is fabulous. So to the fans out there, you get a glorious colour infused 4:3 transfer (1.33:1) with little or no macro blocking artifacts. The Blacks are solid and whites only smear slightly on the overtly white areas.


The audio (2.0 Dolby Digital) is also very good. It`s clean and not too harsh and there`s some good matrixed bass in there too. But you can expect much from a movie made in (checks back cover) whoa! no way 1952!


A trailer and picture gallery.


There are fans out there who have been treated to a superb rendition of this film. I`m sorry for the John Wayne comments but he doesn`t float my boat as they say, saying that neither does Keanu Reeves!

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