Review for The Big Gay Musical

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Casper Andreas and Fred M. Caruso have produced an entertaining movie. Regardless of your sexual orientation, The Big Gay Musical will tickle your rib bones and have you rolling around the floor in hysterics. The story revolves around the Off-Broadway show 'Adam and Steve'. The wonderful thing about this: it subverts the whole Genesis syndrome by joining two homosexual men together (via the magic of God). These 'lovers' confront televangelists, tap-dancing angels and a camp that attempts to turn 'gays' straight. There is also an external story that ties the musical together. Paul (who plays Adam) and Eddie (who plays Steve) end up experiencing the same things as their on-stage counterparts and use the show to empower themselves. It is a genuinely funny subversion on par with a classic South Park episode. It also contains unpretentious moral messages - sex without love is meaningless, look after your friends, have values and be happy. The film is also about identity, knowing who you are and not trying to be anybody different other than yourself (what other message would God give us?). The musical numbers are a breath of fresh air - they crush all the stereotypes of gayness and say a big 'screw you' to those distorted miserable fanatics who think homosexuality is evil. You have to wonder if this film will cause the same kind of controversy as Stewart Lee's Jerry Springer - The Opera. We can only hope it gets the impact it deserves. Nevertheless, with having the 'gay interest' tag it is likely this gem of a comedy will fall under the radar.

Warning: you have to have an open mind and a sense of humour to watch this movie.

Special Features: There is an entertaining audio commentary, a Making Of documentary and an interview with Caper Andreas. One of the most disappointing things about this disc is there is an advertised 'full musical' feature and deleted scenes on the press release- these are not on the disc.

Verdict: A musical comedy that subverts straight society's perceptions of 'gayness' - love between two people is what makes our world go around not hate, fear, ignorance and intolerance. It is just a shame that God hates gays - do not forget that homosexuality is a disease and we should kill all gays for being an abomination against nature. Join the cause! Do not forget to join F.A.G.S. (Foundation Against Gayness Society). Jesus will be pleased and his dad will give you a free pass to Heaven.

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