Review of Moonraker: Special Edition (James Bond)

6 / 10


Moonraker still remains as one of the biggest Bond box office hits, but as ever, being a massive hit at the box office doesn`t guarantee you a quality film. In fact I`m going to stick my neck out, because in my opinion this is one of the worst. It strays so far away from what Fleming had in mind, and was just a cheap attempt to cash in on the popularity of other films.

Yes there are some good stunts and action set-pieces, but then there are also the laughable bits with Bond`s arch-enemy Jaws, some very unsubtle humour along the way and of course the whole space thing. It just doesn`t work.


Whatever else I might think of the film, it`s pretty good visually. We have a 2.35:1 anamorphic transfer, which has plenty of detail and looks good on the whole. There are some grainy moments though, and also some flecks and specks of dirt. Another good effort overall.

As with many Bond films, there are some great sets and great locations on show here, and despite being a bit rubbish story-wise, some of the "in space" shots are very good for the time.


Another Bond film, another DD5.1 soundtrack - and it`s pretty good on the whole, but doesn`t really come to life until towards the end of the film when we go into space. Dialogue is clear throughout and never gets drowned out by any other on-screen action.

For the third time, Shirley Bassey performs the title song, "Moonraker". But unlike the other two (Goldfinger and Diamonds Are Forever), you probably can`t even remember it unless you`ve just watched the film.


Another Bond DVD, another set of extras, although not perhaps as impressive as others in the series.

First up we have the obligatory commentary track featuring director Lewis Gilbert and others. This is another informative and interesting Bond commentary, and at least it gives you a reason to watch the film again.

Two documentaries up next. "Inside Moonraker" is another quality behind the scenes documentary, excellently narrated by Patrick Macnee, and "The Men Behind The Mayhem" concentrates on special effects, and is also interesting.

To finish off we have the original trailer and a photo gallery.


I`m afraid that Moonraker is a bit of a stinker. Yes, there are some nice action scenes and some good special effects, but there are so many better Bond films. A Bond film is not just about gadgets, chases, nice locations and stupidly named characters (Holly Goodhead wouldn`t sound out of place in an episode of Beavis and Butthead).

For a really good Bond film, look elsewhere. But if you are a fan of this one, then this disc is a good purchase, with the almost predictable good picture, good sound and good selection of extras. Recommended only for fans of the film or those of you looking to have a complete Bond collection on your shelf.

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