Eye of the Beholder (US)

7 / 10
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Obsession is in the eye of the beholder
Certificate: R
Running Time: 101 mins
Retail Price: $24.95
Release Date:

Ewan McGregor stars as "the eye", an isolated British intelligence officer assigned the case of the enigmatic and mysterious Joanna Eris (Judd).

Joanna is accused of blackmailing a senior British official - but she is more than just a blackmailer. As the Eye begins his task of shadowing her he discovers that she is capable of more than just extortion. A master of disguise she is also a lone killer who anticipates his every move and stays one step ahead.

As he follows Joanna from murder to murder he feels compelled to watch her, becoming more and more obsessed with what he sees. The closer the Eye gets to Joanna`s life the more dangerous his fantasy becomes.

Who is more dangerous the hunter or the hunted??...

Special Features:
Interactive Menus
Scene Access
Director`s Commentary
Production Notes
Talent Files
Theatrical Trailers

Video Tracks:
Widescreen Anamorphic 2.35:1
Pan & Scan 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1 English
Dolby Digital Surround 2.0 English

Subtitle Tracks:
CC: English

Directed By:
Stephan Elliott

Written By:

Anne-Marie Brown
Jason Priestley
k.d. lang
Geneviève Bujold
Patrick Bergin
Ashley Judd
Ewan McGregor

Casting By:
Nadia Rona
Vera Miller

Soundtrack By:
Marius De Vries

Director of Photography:
Guy Dufaux

Sue Blainey

Costume Designer:
Lizzy Gardiner

Production Designer:
Jean-Baptiste Tard

Tony Smith
Grant Lee
Charles Gassot
Nicolas Clermont
Al Clark
Manon Bougie

Executive Producer:
Hilary Shor
Mark Damon

Columbia / Tristar

Your Opinions and Comments

7 / 10
An extremely hallucinated movie.
I cannot in any way describe the plot. It`s too undefined. However, the movie itself is good in a weird way.
The video transfer is very good. There are no compression signs at all. The movie includes a repetitive element (I`m not giving it away, though) and some brilliantly shot and edited scenes. As I said before - some of the scenes are actually very hallucinated.
The DD 5.1 soundtrack is excellent. While the movie is not your typical action packed movie, the surrounds are constantly used and give a very good sound envelope. One scene struck me with its brilliance. It`s a scene where a kid is disturbing her dad at work and the sound of the kid travels with the camera as it turns and tilts. Simple, yet amazing.
The menus are all static.
The extras include a regular commentary by the director. Nothing special here.
Bottom line - give this movie a try. It`s weird, but in a good and artistic manner.
posted by Zvi Josef on 30/12/2000 16:47