Review of She Killed In Ecstasy

7 / 10


"She killed in ecstasy" is one of the trio of films Jess Franco made with the late Soledad Miranda along with “Vampyros Lesbos” and “EugĂ©nie”.

The file itself contains Franco’s usual mix of the warped, psychedelic and soft-core p0rn. Coupled with a big dash of 70’s nostalgia and music.

The plot centres around Mrs. Johnson (Miranda) and focuses on her desire for revenge after her husband commits suicide after being fired from his controversial research. That’s really all there is to the plot and it follows in a fairly mismatched fashion with some really questionable side plots, that is part of the attraction of Franco’s films (or repulsion depending on your point of view).


The disk offers a cleaned up anamorphic print and the video quality is fairly good (if not outstanding) especially for a film of this age (30 Years). There is evidence of problems with the print but for the most part they are relatively minor.


Audio is a Dolby Mono affair with a reasonable sound stage throughout. The sound track is mainly a vehicle for the films music.

Also, as with most of the batch of Franco’s films that are now available, it is in German with English subtitles. This stems from the fact that the original domestic (Spanish) release was cut to shreds and the only uncut versions are those that are dubbed (badly at times) into German.


There is little in the way of extras on the disk, bar a trailer for the film and a photo gallery. Shame there is no background info on Franco or Miranda; some Press material would have been nice.


If you have any regard for Franco’s range of ‘messed up’ cinema than this disk is a must, if not then avoid like the plague. Franco is an acquired taste.

All told this is probably the best version of this soft-core Spanish film, dubbed into German you’re ever lightly to find :-) (Read from that what you will).

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