Review of Stephanie Foster`s Master Class Yoga Work Out

4 / 10


Ok, I`ll come clean. I`m no Yoga expert. When this DVD dropped through the letterbox, my first thought wasn`t "great, let`s exercise", it was more, "oh my god, what`s Carol Vorderman doing presenting Yoga?" Closer inspection revealed that it wasn`t in fact Carol Vorderman, so there are still some things that she has yet to turn her hand to.

So I`m afraid that this review won`t be filled with interesting commentary on the quality of the Yoga on offer (although it seemed interesting if that`s your thing). It will be a fairly brief review, concentrating mainly on the technical side of things.


Your Yoga work out is brought to you in a full screen 4:3 presentation. And the video quality is not exactly great. It does rather look as if someone`s played a VHS into a DVD writer and this has come out of the other side. There is some grain and artefacting visible, and whilst this doesn`t really ruin the experience, as they`ve gone to the effort of putting it on DVD then it would have been nice to see a bit of attention paid to the video quality.


A DD2.0 stereo track. No great musical tracks to test your system, just a standard kind of cheesey workout music. Voices are clear, the sound is ok, but nothing to get excited about.




Okay, so this is Yoga on DVD. The Yoga looked interesting enough, but I can`t really see the point of this DVD. You don`t need stunning image quality for Yoga (and you don`t get it on this disc). You don`t need 6 channels of digital surround sound (and you don`t get it). You don`t need "making of" featurettes (and you don`t get them).

So why put this out on DVD in the first place? The content perfectly suited to VHS (and probably available in that format anyway). It just seems to be a waste of everybody`s time putting this kind of content on DVD.

If you want to buy a Yoga programme, I`d suggest that you buy one on VHS, as the quality will be the same, and in most cases it will probably cost you less.

For this particular programme however, it would cost you more to buy on VHS, as the DVD contains the beginner and intermediate levels, whereas the equivalent VHS contains only the intermediate level. So that`s possibly the only thing that the DVD offers you over the VHS!

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