Happy Tree Friends Season One, Volume One

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Cute as a puppy and horribly wrong.
Certificate: 12
Running Time: 150
Retail Price: £12.99
Release Date:
Content Type: TV Series

The Happy Tree Friends characters look cute and cuddly, but looks can be very deceiving! Definitely not one for children, or indeed adults who are easily shocked, what happens during the adventures of these pastel-coloured creatures is in very stark contrast to their sweet and
delightful exterior.

Special Features:
The Process
How Far is Too Far?
Splitting Hares

Video Tracks:
Standard 1.33:1

Audio Tracks:
Dolby Digital 5.1

Directed By:
Kenn Navarro
Alan Lau
David Winn

Written By:

Ellen Connell
David Winn
Warren Graff
Kenn Navarro
Aubrey Ankrum
Michael 'Lippy' Lipman
Liz Stewart
Nica Lorber
Francis Carr
Peter Herrmann

Soundtrack By:
Jerome Rossen

William Simpson

Liberation Entertainment

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