Vertigo: 50th Anniversary Edition

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Alfred Hitchcock engulfs you in a whirlpool of terror and tension!
Certificate: 12
Running Time: 124 minutes
Retail Price: £15.99
Release Date:
Content Type: Movie

Vertigo is Alfred Hitchcock's haunting tale of deception, madness, and death, a masterful exploration of fantasy and anxiety, considered one of Hitchcock's finest and most complex films.

Special Features:

Obsessed By Vertigo

Theatrical Trailers

Partners In Crime: Hitchcock's Collaborators

Hitchcock And The Art Of Pure Cinema

The Vertigo Archives

Production Notes

Hitchcock/Truffaut Interviews

Related Websites:

Video Tracks:

Audio Tracks:
English 5.1 Surround
German 2.0 Stereo
French 1.0 Mono
Italian 1.0 Mono
Spanish 1.0 Mono

Subtitle Tracks:

Directed By:
Alfred Hitchcock

Written By:

James Stewart
Kim Novak
Barbara Bel Geddes

Soundtrack By:
Bernard Herrmann

Director of Photography:
Robert Burks

George Tomasini

Costume Designer:
Edith Head

Visual Effects:
Saul Bass (title sequence)
Farciot Edouart
John P. Fulton
W. Wallace Kelley

Herbert Coleman

Universal Pictures UK

Your Opinions and Comments

Vertigo suffers from having been shot on Eastmancolor. Kodak introduced single-negative colour film in 1950, a huge improvement on Technicoior as it could be shot using smaller cameras such as the Arri. Technicolor had to be shot using its own triple-negative cameras which were expensive to rent and exposed three times the amount of film that a black-and-white camera used. Eastmancolor was as easy to use as black-and-white film and produced excellent results (which looked even better once Technicolor's labs had finished with it.)

The original negative was 5247, superceded in 1952 by Emulsion 5248. 5248's chemistry was tinkered with over the next eight years until in 1962 the latest negative was christened 5251, and the problems that Eastman had built into their negatives were (possibly unknowingly) solved.

Although there were no apparent problems at the time, the studios would eventually discover that films made on 5248 between 1954 and 1961 had a whole bunch of problems that would plague film restorers in years to come.

The big problem was in dark scenes - remember that if the image is dark on the print, the image on the negative is light and vice-versa. If you had, say, a day for night scene shot with a heavy blue filter to simulate twilight, the image on the negative will be a) very light and b) yellow (the complementary colour to blue). And that was 5248's big problem - the yellow dye was unstable and faded over time. Eventually, you would end up with a black frame with no detail at all. Of course, the fading effect would not only affect dark scenes. Every shot in the movie would be affected in some way by the yellow layer failure. A healthy suntan would turn lobster pink, shadows would be green or a weird blue colour rather than a proper black.

5248 affects a number of movies other than Vertigo. North by Northwest, Pollyanna, Spartacus, The Alamo, Can-Can, Porgy and Bess, Exodus and The Nun's Story as well as hundreds of other movies are all potentially in trouble, unless the Studio had the foresight to have a set of colour separation negatives made from the Original Camera Negative, and for many films the Studios didn't...
posted by Mark Oates on 20/10/2008 03:28
10 / 10
Mark, you're a veritable goldmine of information...
posted by Si Wooldridge on 20/10/2008 17:16
Just so long as I'm not a suppository of all human knowledge. :D
posted by Mark Oates on 20/10/2008 17:24