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8 / 10


Warning, this film and review contains Keanu Reeves. And he attempts acting once more.

You have been warned.

Street Kings is based on a script by excellent writer James Ellroy (Black Dahlia and the excellent L.A. Confidential), directed by David Ayer (writer and producer of Training Day), and features the aforementioned Reeves and the Forest "Last King of Scotland" Whitaker.

A quick story outline - Reeves plays Tom Ludlow, a messed up (possibly to the point of cliche) hard case L.A. cop. His boss Captain Wander likes his methods as they keep the villains off the streets. But (and you probably know what's coming next), his inability to do things by the book gets him noticed by those picky internal affairs types, including Hugh Laurie, who plays the head of IA.

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Video and Audio

A very good looking anamorphic transfer. As I've been saying a lot recently, we've come to expect good looking DVDs, and we get another one here.

Similarly, a DD5.1 soundtrack is equally good stuff, with plenty of action sound effects and a nice little score underneath. Our high expectations are once more met.

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A full length commentary from director David Ayer. He has lots to talk about and lots to say, well worth a listen if you've enjoyed the film.

Next up are alternate takes and deleted scenes, again worth paying attention to if you've enjoyed the film. There are also commentaries if you care to listen.

There are also a lot of little featurettes which look at things like the script, gang culture, stunts and guns. All a bit short, but all worth a brief glance.

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I know it's a bit of a cliche, but watching a film featuring Keanu Reeves can be difficult as he has developed a reputation for not being the greatest actor in the world and that's often lurking at the back of your mind whilst you are watching. However, he is very good in this film, and the film itself is very good.

This film is very similar to a lot of the books that I read, and it was nice to see a film that really feels like one of those books, as opposed to the various film adaptations that lose so much of the interesting stuff from a book. It's not too taxing on the brain but it is interesting and packed with action too. A good cop thriller, it feels a bit film noir, and there's enough action in here to keep people with shorter attention spans interested too.

Well worth watching.

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