Review of Mars Attacks!

8 / 10


The is movie has what can only be described in some places as an all star cast. Names such as Jack Nicholson, Glenn Close, Annette Benning, Pierce Brosnan and Danny DeVito are just for starters, with Michael J Fox and Tom Jones getting in on the act as well.

Tim Burton`s mars Attacks takes evrything that was B movie America, and basically pokes fun at it, from the hysteria of a nation under attack to the confusion of little green men in a strange environment.

The aliens arrive and true to human form there is a difference of opinion on just why they came and what their intentions are. The historic first meeting takes place under the full glare of media publicity, as does the first massacre, which sort of sows the seeds for the rest of the film.

The journey we are then taken on shows us how man can be pig headed, emotional, forceful and at times wrong. But then gain, these are little green men versus the might of the United States. What could go wrong?


The really is a superb picture. It is an anamorphic widescreen presentation that produces colours of a startling clarity. For a good example, just look at the alien leaders cloak when he comes down the stairs of the spaceship.

Now that really is RED.

Reflections in the aliens helmets are also brilliantly executed, so much so that the mannerisms of aliens next in line can be picked up.

This clarity and colour depth continues right through the film from the bright desert scenes to the dark Las Vegas scenes.


If you don`t have a sub, get one. This film will convince you of it`s worth inside of 60 minutes. The sound effects are quite aggressively steered around the soundstage, especially when the aliens are firing their laser rays.

The LFE channel is also given a good workout around the time of the alien landings, just wait for the scene in the new hotel in Las Vegas. Stick down any ornaments near your speakers.

Whilst the action is spread around the room, the speech is firmly planted on the screen through the centre speaker with no audibble bleed to the other speakers where it is not wanted.


For an early Region 2 disc this has a good supply of extras. The menus are nicely presented and scored taking you to the theatrical trailers, scene access and production notes.

A good effort and demonstartion that extras are worthwhile and have been since the begining of the format.


Watch this disc once and enjoy it. Watch this disc again and notice all the things you missed the first time. the aliens are superbly produced and their mannerisms and movements are really quite excellent.

This disc was thought of as one of the top 2 demo discs for the format when it first arrived on these shores and you can certainly see why once you have watched it and taken in everything that is happening.

Jack Nicholson`s performance is very good, putting all the famous `Jackerims` into the part, which is eventually his undoing.

the special effects are really state of the art, with the way the human body is destroyed a nice if somewhat gruesome, touch.

if your after a fun movie that doesn`t require a massive amount of attebtion this is for you. If you want a movie that pokes fun at B movie America, this is for you. If you want a serious Sci Fi experience, buy this anyway, you`ll enjoy it.

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