Review of South Park Volume 8

7 / 10


We move on to season 3 of South Park on DVD. The biggest change that you`ll see is that the box has switched from Super Jewel to Amaray, so that they no longer all match on your shelf. A minor point, but just typical of a company to do this.


Like the previous seasons, a pretty good 4:3 transfer, with the odd artefact here and there. Nothing to raise serious complaints though.


Continuing the trend set by previous seasons, a DD2.0 stereo track, perfectly adequate for the job. Again, like all of the other discs, the French audio track is included, with different voices (and a few toned down translations) for the characters.


If you were hoping to see the re-instatement of some extras, like the introductions to each episode by creators Matt Stone & Trey Parker (these were on all of the first season discs), you`ll be in for a let down.

All of the third series discs are bereft of any bonus materials.


The third season kicks off with some more classic episodes.

"Rainforest Schmainforest" features the vocal talents of Jeniffer Aniston, as the leader of the Getting Gay with kids Choir tour. Our heroes are sent on tour to Costa Rica as a punishment, and get lost in the rain forest. Plenty of great lines and big laughs in this one.

"Spontaneous Combustion" is not a sensitive documentary on this unexplained phenomenon, it`s just another South Park episode, where nasty things start happening around town. Can Mr. Marsh (seemingly the town`s only qualified scientist) save them in time?

"Succubis" is the traditional scary episode, and when Chef decides to give all his sweet lovin` to just one woman, the boys suspect that all is not well, but no-one will listen. Can they stop Chef from making the fatal mistake of marrying his new found love. And what will happen to Cartman`s eyesight?

"Tweek Vs Craig" centres around the traditional playground battle. Which of the two school troublemakers is the hardest? With some careful stirring and half-truths the boys decide to find out. Watch out for Mr Adler - his catchphrase and frequent flashbacks make for interesting woodwork classes.

"Jakovasaurs" feature these little seen creatures, who become firm friends of the people of South Park. But even these people can only take so many stupid creatures at once, and they soon start to out-stay their welcome.

As usual, recommended for fans, unlikely to convert those of you who aren`t fans!

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