Release Me Review

5 / 10

It's pretty tricky to review a CD single. There are only ever a few tracks (just 2 in this case), and singles are almost always aimed towards fans, since they often include new mixes, unreleased tracks, live versions etc.

This one is no different. Release Me, as featured in the recent Saab TV campaign, and heard quite often on Radio 2, is the debut single from Sweden's Oh Laura. If you've seen the advert and enjoyed the song then you'll probably just download this single from iTunes or some other digital repository, as people do nowadays. It's much cheaper and you only buy what you want to listen to.

The B side (as we used to call them in them days, when singles had 2 sides and you had to get up and turn them over and everything) is an unremarkable track called Waiting for Something.

Release Me is a nice enough track, pleasant, inoffensive. There are some echoes of other artists here, but they are hard to pin down on just a few listens. Based on this song, it would be interesting to hear what's on the rest of the album, as long as they are not like the B side, which is bland and dull.

So, you'll either have this song already on the album or download it legally from somewhere. It's a shining example of why the CD single is a dead horse that's still having its lifeless corpse flogged.

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