Review for The Nameless Dead

8 / 10

The latest instalment in the Matt Wells series sees Matt coming to terms with events from the previous book, where a secretive militia running brainwashing experiments in a remote location made him a subject.

The spoiler below is for the previous book in the series...
He has escaped the clutches of the nazi-style militia running brainwashing experiments, escaping from their concentration-style camp, and narrowly avoiding blowing up the president of the USA...

But after all of those events can he trust anyone? How deep has the brainwashing gone? What memories are really his? And can just a single word still trigger him to kill?

Cue the FBI, who keep Matt under supervision and try to de-program him, in order that they can use him against the man responsible. And Matt is quite keen to find the man who has ruined his life too...

Another cracking book from Paul Johnston. He really has a knack for writing fast paced thrillers. Sure, some of this is a just teensy-weensy little bit over the top (understatement of the year perhaps), but it is fiction and it is fun. It's like taking bits of the Manchurian Candidate and bits of the Bourne Conspiracy and slamming them together.

Add in recurring characters from previous books and you have a very compelling series. This one took a little longer to read than "The Death List" (but I read that one in one night, due to a smoke alarm with a dying battery keeping me awake all night at a friend's house).

As with all of the previous books in the series, it's a very good read, fast paced and with some nice twists and turns along the way. You could just about read this as a stand alone title, but it would be much improved if you read the rest of the series first.


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