Leading like Madiba

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Lessons of Leadership from Nelson Mandela


Retail Price (Hardback):
Retail Price (Softback): R160.00
Retail Price (Ebook):
ISBN: 1-77013-044-6
First Published:

What the publishers say: This is a book about a many-sided man whose legacy is his unquenchable desire to spend himself for the well-being of others. Through a series of stories told by men and women about how Nelson Mandela touched their lives, the book shows what it is that has made him one of the greatest people of our time: the way he has managed to inspire people through ordinary human actions. Here in essence are some of the key qualities of great leadership.

Most of the stories in this book are from ordinary men and women. A few came from newspapers, television and magazines. Whether they happened exactly as they are narrated is not important. What is true about these stories is that they are an attempt by people to describe the 'Madiba phenomenon'.

They are a way in which people seek to treasure what Mandela has taught the world. Their significance lies in their ability to inspire those that share and listen to them.

Martin Kalungu-Banda is a Zambian by birth. He worked for a time with the petroleum company BP in South Africa and is now in charge of the President's Office in Zambia.

Double Storey Books

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