Another great read

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Harry Bosch (detective) meets Mickey Haller (lawyer) is the impression given on the cover, but the story stands up well with any detective in the roll. Not enough of Harry Bosch, anyone wanting a Harry Bosch novel might be disappointed.

Connelly gives a great sense of context.  Simple descriptions provide vivid images for the reader to enjoy, Here is an example of the scene when the main client (worth $250,000 in fees) confirms  Haller as his lawyer. Haller is in his car being driven by Cisco his investigator.

'Cisco hit the horn in celebration. It was a long blast that made the driver in front of us hold up a fist and send us back the finger. Out in the street the striking writers took the blast as a sign of support from inside the hated studio. I heard a loud cheer go up from the masses.'

The story is set in the here and now and there is a level of detail that adds meaning and context to the developing story lines.

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