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Yes! Yes! Yes!

This is the chant heard across WWE arenas for the past few years. The ultimate underdog, one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time, he is Daniel Bryan. Other than CM Punk, possibly one of the most respected WWE superstars and certainly behind him and John Cena one of the most popular. This set takes a look at his career and his road to Wrestlemania 30.

This could almost be described as two documentaries in one. Firstly, we have a look at Daniel Bryan as he prepares for his matches at Wrestlemania 30 and the steps and turns in the road that got him there. We get a brief look at the early part of his career (and by brief I mean blink and you will miss it) which looks at his training, time on the feel to the whole documentary and with it only being an hour the focus is clearly on the matter in hand: Bryan going to Wrestlemania.

His matches at Wrestlemania 30 are fantastic and though they only include the main event title victory in the extras, I do think both are great examples of just why he is so respected by fans and other wrestlers.

By the end of the documentary, you understand why Bryan went from being nowhere near the main event at the beginning of 2014 to being in that main event. Bryan chalks it all up to luck and happenstance. This is probably true. But if anyone could take that ball and run with it, it is Daniel Bryan.

The second part of the set is Daniel Bryan and others talking about various points in his WWE career with matches afterwards. This is usually annoying, but Bryan is so likeable and the stories are fascinating that it didn't bother me this time. We get to see matches against the likes of Sheamus, The Miz, CM Punk and John Cena. After watching this I am under the belief that there is no such thing as a bad Daniel Bryan match. There are matches that should have ended differently or booked badly, but for the in-ring performances, no one touches Daniel Bryan. They also include Daniel Bryan and Kane's anger management vignettes which is hilarious and even better is the 'Hug It Out' segment from Raw.

There are some great stories from the independents, especially Ring of Honor and though they do show some clips from that it would be great if WWE could negotiate with those companies to allow these matches to be on there. While he was in Ring of Honor he had some of his greatest matches and to see his matches against the likes of CM Punk and Seth Rollins would have been amazing.

With his injury in 2014, return and recent injury again this set feels a little odd. At one point Daniel Bryan says what can he do after he's reached the pinnacle of Wrestlemania? His answer: 'Do it again!' This is a sad thing to hear as you really hope that he can come back and do just that, but with WWE and Bryan being so quiet about his health you do have to wonder whether we have seen the last of him in the squared circle. I sincerely hope not.

Daniel Bryan - Just Say Yes! Yes! Yes! is a fantastic set for wrestling fans. Not just for Daniel Bryan fans, but for anyone who loves to watch wrestling. I can't remember the last time I watched a set without itching to press the Forward button. There are no bad matches or moments on here and if they had included a little more from his indie days it would have been even better. As it is, it is still one of the best things WWE have issued in a long time. Do I think you should buy it? Yes! Yes! Yes! (Sorry, I had to!)

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