Iron Sky

7 / 10
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In 1945, the Nazi's retreated to the moon. Now they're coming back...
Certificate: 15
Running Time: 93 minutes
Retail Price: £11.99
Release Date:
Content Type: Movie

In the last moments of World War II, a secret Nazi space programme evaded destruction by the Allies and made a daring escape to the Moon. In the intervening 70 years they have re-colonised, re-armed with devastating new weapons and silently plotted their revenge.

When an American astronaut stumbles upon their secret Moon lair, the Führer (Udo Kier) decides to unleash their alien armada upon the unprepared Earth, to be led by ruthless army leader Klaus Alder (Gotz Otto).

Now every man, woman and child must unite to repel the UFO Nazi invasion and save humanity!

Special Features:

Directed By:
Timo Vuorensola

Written By:

Julia Dietze
Peta Sergeant
Udo Kier
Stephanie Paul
Christopher Kirby
Götz Otto

Casting By:
Uwe Bünker
Benjamin Parkinson

Soundtrack By:

Director of Photography:
Mika Orasmaa

Suresh Ayyar

Costume Designer:
Jake Collier

Production Designer:
Ulrika von Vegesack

Oliver Damian
Tero Kaukomaa
Samuli Torssonen
Cathy Overett
Mark Overett

Executive Producer:
Michael Cowan
San Fu Maltha
Sean O'Kelly

Revolver Entertainment

Your Opinions and Comments

8 / 10
You can argue all you like about the various levels this movie may or may not run on, but at the end of the day it's really just an amusing fun sci-fi comedy with pretty good special effects that is as uncontroversial as Nazi's on the moon could possibly be.

Unless you took Sarah Palin seriously, in which case this probably isn't for you.
posted by RJS on 25/6/2013 13:51