Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

8 / 10

The film takes place in the town of Swallow Falls on a small Atlantic island, positioned just below the 'A' of Atlantic on the map, and is the main sardine fishing port in the world. Unfortunately for the inhabitants, people discover that sardines are gross and when that makes headline news worldwide, the industry dies and the town is impoverished with people living on the sardines they can't sell.
It's in this environment that aspiring inventor Flint Lockwood grows up with his father running a sardine tackle and bait shop and failing to encourage his talented son. Flint's mother offers support and buys him a lab coat, but she dies and Flint is left alone with his inventions, including his best friend Steve, a monkey with a thought translator who is obsessed with Gummy Bears and moustaches.

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Years later and Flint still works in his laboratory treehouse in the back garden trying to come up with the brainwave that will restore the town's fortunes. His latest idea is the Flint Lockwood Diatonic Super Mutating Dynamic Food Replicator (FLDSMDFR), a machine that would convert water to food but there isn't sufficient electricity in the house to power it. During the grand opening of the town's sardine amusement park, he breaks in to the power plant and hooks up the device to the grid, sending it shooting around town, trashing the place, and eventually into the stratosphere.
Now supercharged and sucking in clouds, the FLDSMDFR starts raining burgers on the town. Linked by satellite to Flint's lab, he can instruct the machine to create any foodstuff, and begins taking requests from breakfast to ice cream and sweets!
The mayor sees this incredible device as the way to bring tourists back to Swallow Falls and becomes increasingly power mad and gluttonous, renaming the town Chewandswallow and planning to turn it into a Vegas-style attraction. New to the island is trainee weather girl Sam Sparks, who has been reluctantly sent there by her network and Flint develops an instant crush on her.
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The FLDSMDFR's popularity causes the 'Dangeometer' needle to creep ever higher and the food starts to become larger. When the mayor orders an all-you-can-eat Vegas style buffet, the machine malfunctions, sends a spaghetti and meatball tornado towards the town and Sam Sparks realises that it will spread and destroy the world.  It's up to Flint, Steve, Sam and her cameraman Manny to try and shut down the device and save the day.
I didn't bother going to see this at the cinema as I hadn't read the book and, because of the trailer, thought it was a film for young children. I didn't even know it was based on a book, which is apparently very popular and well loved by those who grew up with it as bedtime reading.  I really missed out as Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is a visual treat that is much funnier than I expected, with many laugh out loud moments.

The voice talent is excellent, with Bill Hader full of enthusiasm and energy in his portrayal of Flint, Anna Faris brings bubbly fun as Sam Sparks and Bruce Campbell is fantastic as the voice of Mayor Shelbourne, and that's not even mentioning Benjamin Bratt, Mr. T and James Caan!  All the voices perfectly fit the characters and they don't stand out and ruin the illusion of the characters - Shark Tale is probably the worst offender of this. 
There is something for everyone with slapstick, visual and sight gags, inspired sound effects and running jokes.  The relationship between Flint and Sam is even quite touching though it does almost become the clichéd 'it's OK to be yourself' message. 

The Disc

Extra Features
The commentary with Bill Hader and writer/directors Philip Lord and Chris Miller is funny and quite informative as they run through the production process, in-jokes and the voice acting. It isn't as in-depth as some but still worth a listen.
There are two featurettes, one on the making of and another on the voices. The first is a bit juvenile - perhaps purposely - as the two directors use food as a metaphor on how to make a film, with a burger as the finished product. They talk about the book, animation and casting. The second is more enjoyable as you see the actors in the studio recording their lines and eating burgers, interspersed with interviews with the principal cast. Not enough Bruce Campbell for my taste, but Mr. T is very funny and has a surprisingly girlish laugh!
As well as the Music Video for 'Raining Sunshine', the theme song, there is also a Sing-A-Long option and Behind the Scenes featurette. There are also some Extended Scenes and Progression Reels with Commentary, showing how the film developed from story boards to the finished article.
Exclusive to the Blu-ray are Flint's Food Fight Game and an Interactive Splat Button - which allows you to throw eggs, cream pies, meatballs and fruit pies at the screen while you watch the movie! This is quite fun and will probably keep younger viewers entertained and fighting over the remote - pause it and hit someone with a pie!
This is a combi-pack so you also get a DVD of the film - perfect for households where the Blu-ray player is in the living room and the kids or car have DVD players.
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The Picture
The quality is quite exceptional with extremely vibrant colours and superb definition. Some of the colours reminded me of Speed Racer in their garishness and they are very bright and vivid. The animation is fluid and exciting, with the action scenes beautifully clear and composed.
This was shown at the cinema in 3D and you can see where some scenes were designed to show the depth and throw food at the audience but I never felt as if I was missing out watching it in 2D.  At no point did I think 'This film is too flat" but, for 3D fans, you'll be glad to know that Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is scheduled to be Sony's first 3D Blu-ray release.
The Sound
A film like this with so much action needs an impressive soundtrack and the DTS-HD Master Audio delivers this in spades. The surrounds are rarely, if ever, silent and the dialogue is crisp and easy to make out. When you get to the frenetic scenes, the sound really comes alive and immerses you in the action.
The score is very good and there's a great moment when Lesley Gore's 'Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows' accompanies the town discovering food and even Public Enemy get a look in with an inspired video!
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Final Thoughts
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs is hugely entertaining and isn't just a film for children but the whole family. I'm in my late twenties and watched it with my brother - we both laughed like drains and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Although the set isn't replete with extras, there's enough to keep you entertained and informed, plus the interactive features will add to the longevity and the Blu-ray + DVD combi pack adds to the attraction.  It's not a classic in the Pixar mould but is funny and endearing.

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