Review of Balls of Steel

6 / 10


Screened late at night on Channel 4 in the autumn of 2005, `Balls of Steel` ran for only five episodes but attracted enough controversy and a cult following that many of the clips are available on a certain video hosting website.

Hosted by Mark Dolan, the show works as a competition in which 4 or 5 comedians vie for the `Balls of Steel Trophy`. Think `Beadle`s About`, `Candid Camera` or `Trigger Happy TV` but with a seeming complete lack of self-restraint and an almost vindictive streak.

There are 12 competing acts: Alex Zane who hosts a fake gameshow to irritate, humiliate and infuriate his victims; the Bunny Boiler openly flirts with men in front of their girlfriends; Pritchard and Pancho from `Dirty Sanchez` are the Pain Men; Olivia Lee sees what she can get away with when interviewing celebrities; ... is the World`s Worst ... where he performs jobs ineptly; the Militant Black Guy deliberately misinterprets innocent phrases as racial slurs before embarking on tirades; the Man Tester attracts a man before unloading a massive moral dilemma; Neg shows off his `urban sports`; the Big Gay Following asks members of the public if they `Want a bum?`; Naked Man is a naturist rambler who tests the tolerance of the general public; Annoying Devil is a man in full devil garb who delights in infuriating and humiliating people and New Zealand`s number one stuntman Randy Cambell who has no regard for safety.


A perfectly clear and broadcast quality anamorphic transfer, though the hidden camera nature of some of the sketches leads, due to necessity, to some drops in picture quality.


As with the video, the stereo soundtrack is perfectly clear although some of the dialogue is indistinct because of the nature of the show.

English HoH subtitles are available, which are clear and free from mistakes.


I was only provided with disc one of this two disc set, so the only feature was commentaries on the first and third episodes. On the first, Marc Dolan is joined by Neg and Ross Lee (World`s Worst) on the third. Neither are particularly illuminating as they give you no information as to the making of the show, how they secured signatures on release forms or background information on anyone involved. This might be covered on the other disc, but certainly not in the commentaries.


I only became aware of this show due to the internet and watching clips online; in a 35 minute show it begins to wear out it`s welcome as the credits roll and is certainly best in small doses. I laughed and wondered how they got away with half the material on the show but, after five episodes, I was almost glad that there wasn`t another as I`d had my fill.

The variety is definitely the show`s strong point as if you don`t like one character, another will present their act in a few minutes. I didn`t think there was anything particularly funny about Randy Cambell and just found his shtick irritating, whereas Thaila Zucci`s Bunny Boiler and Alex Zane`s fake game shows demonstrated how to keep a perfect poker face when confronted by hostility or in a situation where most of us would just crack and spill the beans. My own favourite is the Annoying Devil whose sheer outrageous behaviour and, for want of a better phrase, balls of steel led to some thoroughly memorable sketches.

If you saw this on TV and have fond memories or have become tired of endlessly watching the clips online, then this DVD is highly recommended but, if you don`t like hidden camera TV shows then this is one to avoid.

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