Review of Harry And Max

7 / 10


Harry is Max`s older brother and has been a successful member of a boy band for some years. Now it seems that Max is going to follow him into the business. He`s had an acclaimed first album and is wondering which way to go next.

A long delayed camping weekend is to bring the brothers closer together but this is not just any bonding experience. Over the course of the weekend they discuss their past, their lovers and their feelings towards each other.


I cannot report on the quality of this disc because the screener I was sent not only had writing over it ever twenty minutes it seemed to have been filmed on a particularly dark day in one of the sunshine states.

Very poor.


This is a very intensely scripted piece and the sound reproduction was good. There was excellent use of music and occasional songs.


There are some good extras listed in the attractive sleeve including a commentary by the director. But the screener did not have anything so your guess is as good as mine.
There were no subtitles either or chapters but I`m sure there will be on the finished product.


This is a very intense film and does feature scenes of a sexual and incestuous nature. They are not explicit but the content was certainly unexpected and shocking. Incest between brothers is not a subject dealt with very often and the calm manipulative nature of the elder brother is disturbing.

I`m not sure I`d watch it voluntarily knowing what it is about but it offered an insight into the nature of relationships in a fractured family.

The screener sent does a disservice to a worthy film and I`m sure the commentary would have offered more insight into it.

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