Review of Breeders


Step right this way for some mid 1980s schlock. Let`s just dissect that disc outline up there.

"The Manhattan General Hospital has admitted a string of young women who have been attacked by something otherworldly." Ok there`s the first warning - "a string of young women" and "something otherworldly" - a bad combination.

"The perpetrator only targets women who are virgins." Ok, the alarm bells are ringing now. No decent film has ever included this in the plot to good effect.

"Soon the victims begin arising in a trance and leaving the hospital by an underground passage where their fate awaits them." That`s just screaming cheese stuffed cheap 1980s horror to me!


A 1.85:1 anamorphic transfer which looks like you would expect. A mid 1980s low budget horror film gets that kind of transfer - scratchy scenes, grainy scenes, dirty and dusty scenes, garish colours.

And as for the film itself, it`s full of flesh, full of bad special effects and really cheap costumes and make up. Dr Who got a lot of bad press for unconvincing aliens in the 1970s and 1980s, but this film is much worse. Just check out the screenshots and laugh your head off.


A boring, dull, uninspiring DD2.0 stereo soundtrack. Nothing interesting or exciting about it, and unfortunately it brings the film`s awful dialogue to you clearly, so you can laugh even harder at it (although you`re not supposed to!) The score is naff as well!


Nothing of course!


Oh dear oh dear oh dear. This has to be the worst film I`ve watched in years. It`s just so awful. There`s no plot, no script, no acting, no tension, no suspense, no nothing. You just get bored and couldn`t care less about what happens next. This rightly deserves its place in IMDb`s Bottom 100, and should be even lower than it`s current position.

The DVD is below the usual "standard MGM catalogue fare" as the picture is a bit rougher. But this film doesn`t deserve any better.

Avoid, it`s awful. It has to get a zero. It has no merit. If you want some cheese, go to the delicatessen.

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