Review of Daniella`s Better Body Workout

2 / 10


For some obscure reason overweight and unfit people who lead dull lives are force-fed a diet of soaps and pap that this DVD is part of.The cult of celebrity having reached epidemic proportions you have to lead a very sheltered life not to know at least on person that has been on the telly and is therefore a celebrity. To add to this, for reasons best known to their managers, they insist on producing exercise DVDs to encourage the rest of us to get off our lard asses and jump up and down.

My preferred mode of watching an exercise DVD is to hold the remote firmly in one hand and grasp chocolate in the other This dear reader is the only thing that makes these bearable.

Fresh from some personal problems in the jungle what better than to make a film about all that toning you`ve been doing. What or who persuade this girl that anyone is interested in a fitness video by someone who obviously never does the washing up is beyond me. I admire those nails but they don`t indicate a woman that overexerts herself. This is very gentle exercise and nobody sweats


Just a standard video picture with a fairly dull location-inside a gym for goodness sake! If you like the idea of watching Daniella in her best pink tracksuit jogging up and down then this will be mildly entertaining. Alternatively you could watch paint dry.


No problem with the sound but the music may make you violently ill.



Unless you count being able to select a workout from the list of 4.


Filled with the joys of the New Year but weighed down by the weight gathered over Christmas you might be tempted by the easy fix of the celebrity exercise DVD. Just remember this girl ate lettuce leaves for Christmas lunch.

Join a gym, go walking, go swimming but please don`t waste your money on this poorly thought out and just plain dull exercise disc. However, it would make a good frisby for your dog to chase in the park.

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