Review of Own Goals And Gaffs The Premiership

5 / 10


Wait! What`s this?! An entire programme dedicated to numerous footballing blunders?! Were talking about own goals, keeper calamities, atrocious misses, managerial idiocy, stupid haircuts, oh and Thomas Brolin. Ok, not exactly original, and not exactly something you wont find amidst SKY`s huge selection of Sports channels quite frequently. But I suppose if you throw in a narration by They Think It`s All Over`s Rory McGrath, then you may be onto something.

Own Goals & Gaffs revolves solely around the decade that`s been spawned by the Premiership. So with that being the case, I had my concerns. Would this really have anything that we haven`t seen repeated a dozen times on SKY Sports? Do we really want to see Ronny Rosenthal`s infamous open-goal miss once again? Or Man UTD`s laughable post-match excuses after their 3-1 mauling by Southampton?

No of course, so I hoped for fresh material & a football blunder programme with a twist.


With a full-frame transfer, without being outstanding, it more than serves its purpose. Of course were being taken through the 10 year time-warp of the Premier League, so quality is going to differ vastly. If you were going to be a real critic, you could sit down & nitpick at a hell of alot of flaws on-show, but you`re too busy laughing at the on-screen antics of calamaties. You don`t look for outstanding picture quality in a football-oriented release, and you don`t get it.


McGrath`s naration is by no means the best, but he does on occasions show the kind of form that made him so entertaining on `They Think It`s All Over`. The DD 2.0 track serves its purpose & conveys the atmosphere around the grounds to good effect whislt providing the perfect balance in dialouge & sound.




An very average disc made only remotely watchable by Rory McGrath`s presence. My fears prior to watching this were realized, as I`d seen 90% of the cock-ups on display time & time again across various Sport`s channels. It`s no suprise. Reason being, is the fact that all the segments are from England`s top league, nothing from the lower divisions or abroad were shown, or someplace that isn`t as well documented as the Premiership. However, it`s not to say it doesn`t have its moments, which are made even funnier by McGrath`s running narration. For instance the ridicule surrounding Frank Sinclair`s run of own-goals for Leicester City, was particularly hilarious, as was Ade Akinbiyi`s horrendous run at Filbert ST before he was offloaded to Crystal Palace.

Of course there was never going to be any extras on offer, and with the video & audio presentation being moderate, it`s hard to really justify recommending this title. Could make a decent gift for someone without the priveleges of SKY though.

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